Mountains Calling Collection


The Mountains Calling collection is the culmination of two years traveling the United States via RV with my husband. Through travel I’ve struck a chord that resonates within me between art and nature. That both can enchant and unravel us from within; create space to lean more towards feeling than thinking and allow ourselves to be rooted in a moment so purely that it blooms within your soul.


These are the moments represented in the Mountains Calling collection; Landscapes that have reminded me of my humanness and in small spaces of time allowed me to find freedom in stepping out of the layers I wear day to day. Times when I’ve felt wonder at natures simple complexity, found solace in the way one only can when “out of office”, and settled into the knowledge that I feel most connected to myself in wild spaces.


This collection was created to answer my own calling, and in doing so, to encourage you to listen for, and follow, your own. It’s my hope that this collection pulls you in and as you feel the awe I often do when in nature, it pushes you to go outside; to pause for a sunset, hike a new path, smell a wildflower, and find yourself in nature. If nothing else, I hope it brings my bubble of an experience into your space and reminds you that there’s something out there waiting for you.

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